The Workshop

In 2015, shortly after moving into this house, I was granted permission by the Planning and Budgetary Committee to begin building my workshop. The size and shape was determined by the pre-existing concrete slab that was there. I suspect that regardless of that initial size, “a couple of feet more” would have been the siren call.

Fast-forward through a few years of using it for some wood-work and carpentry action (which I may or may not at some point document), it got a bit abandoned during The First Great Covid and it got a little bit untidy. Let’s just say that a few things were left where they didn’t belong, and leave it at that.

Now, I’m not admitting it became an unusable space, but when given the simple task of finding a #7 countersunk widershins 40mm jesus nut, my apprentice was livid at how long it took to find.

Fast-forward once again, this time to the heady hights of 2022, and it was time to re-tool for miniature model-making. The big heavy-duty benches have been removed and new, more comfortable worktops have been installed. Drawers have been bought. Labels have been applied. Order has (mostly) been restored. Let’s see how long that lasts…